This package was designed for cancer patients who would like to not only plan their own funerals, but to set up special service for their loved ones after. It's inspired by my childhood best friend Karlee, who while she was sick in the hospital with cancer, planned her funeral and special surprises for her closest friends. We'd grown up since age 3 together, meeting in dance class and then attending school together. Our sisterhood is forever cherished. It was scary to me when we found out she had cancer and I always hoped for healing. At age 15, Karlee was freed from her painful battle and went to heaven. I remember the pain of hearing the news on that phone call and I remember the numbness which followed. I wept through her funeral and that evening after we put her in the ground, a knock came at the door. Karlee's mom was welcomed inside and gave me a big hug as we both cried. She handed me a bag which she said Karlee had made for me only a few short weeks prior. In this bag was a scrapbook Karlee made of our memories growing up, a stuffed animal puppy from the hospital, and one of her pink polka-dot snuggle blankets we'd snuggled in all those trips to visit her in her hospital room. She'd given me one of her favorite jewelry sets, her camp necklace from the camp we attended each year, and other trinkets. And then her mom handed me a bouquet of flowers Karlee had wanted delivered to me after the funeral. I felt so loved by her. I still have my "Karlee bag" so many years later and I dried the flowers from her funeral which sit in my room. This thoughtful act was so like her, the epitome of kindness. In her suffering, she thought about how I might hurt losing her and the many ways which she could help me heal feeling she isn't truly gone. So out of love for her, and to honor her memory, I offer this service.
The Karlee Package ($_____) includes:
* Funeral Planning ($TBD-Hrly) - 30 Min Consultation Basic Timeline Structure: How many prayers, readings, and speakers do you want? Any special extras? - 30 Min Consultation: Speakers
* 3 small live floral Bouquets to send to 3 special people ($30/each)